sabato 29 settembre 2018

What SHOULD you do to get ready for what you want??

"How can I change my life??" it is a question that pesters lots of people. Have you the sensation of not feeling ready for something and you always ask you why?

There are various ways to prepare yourself for what might come your way, whether that’s a tough work project, a crisis, the loss of a loved one, an argument with your partner, or the zombie apocalypse.

One way is to get everything ready for anything that’s likely to come: get all your survival equipment, prepare your skills, plan for your work projects, get your affairs in order, think through your arguments, and so on.

The trouble with this is you don’t know what’s coming. And so you’ll spend your entire life preparing for various things, and not really be ready. And who wants to spend their life just preparing?

Another way of preparing is learning some skills that will have you ready for just about anything that might come.

This is the survival kit of living.

First, the philosophy: you can’t prepare for the details of every single possible thing that might come your way in the future, because the future is uncertain. Instead, realize that the external events are just details … the real thing to prepare yourself for is what happens internally. And it’s pretty much the same thing. So we’re going to learn some internal survival skills that will help us deal with anything the future holds.

Second, a little prep before you prep: I’ve found that while the external details aren’t as important as what you do internally, it’s still good to have your house in order as much as possible. That means have your finances in order — get out of debt or at least have your debts listed with a plan to pay them off as soon as you possibly can, have an emergency fund, spend less than you earn, invest as much as you can. That means to simplify your possessions and your time. Get your health in order — focus on eating more whole foods (especially vegetables) and less processed foods, get active. Once you have these things down, the rest of life is much, much easier.

The Survival Kit

If you learn these things, you’ll be ready for anything — from regular work and personal events to crises of all kinds, to major losses and life changes.

  1. Mindfulness. This is the foundation — without practising mindfulness, you won’t be able to do the other skills regularly enough for them to be useful. You can practice mindfulness simply by meditating — focus on your breath for a few minutes every morning, to start with. As you get better at mindfulness, you will get better at noticing what’s going on inside you as external events happen. For example, if someone is yelling at you, you might be mindful of your body at that moment and notice an increased heartbeat, a panicky feeling in your chest, a hot flush in your face, or something like that. Mindfulness of your body’s responses alerts you to what might be going on in your mind.
  2. Watch your internal response. As you start to notice your mind’s responses to external events, you can begin to guide your response. For example, if you are given a large project at the last minute, you might notice your breathing getting shallow and your chest tightening, or your jaw clenching … you can then see that you’re extremely anxious about this, maybe resentful that you’re being asked to do this on a short deadline. You can then examine those responses — anxiety, resentfulness — and decide how to act, rather than being controlled by them.
  3. See what you’re holding onto. When you have a difficult feeling, like anxiety, anger, resentfulness, fear (including procrastination) … there’s something you’re attached to that’s causing the feeling. It can be difficult to spot this at first, but with practice, you can see it in an instant. If you’re angry or resentful, there’s an ideal situation you would like and are holding onto, that doesn’t match up with reality. For example, maybe someone has said something means to you … you might be angry because (ideally) they shouldn’t treat you that way. It doesn’t matter if you’re right or not — if you want things to be different than reality, you’ll be angry or resentful or frustrated. Noticing what you’re holding onto is an important step.
  4. Let it go. It’s impossible not to ever hold onto certain ideals … but if you see that the ideal is causing you pain, you can be compassionate with yourself and let go of the ideal. Sure, people should treat you nicely, but that’s an idea that’s not always going to be true. Letting go of the ideal means embracing the reality that there’s a wide range of behaviours that people will have, and that’s a part of life. Humans don’t always act ideally. We need to accept that, and not force an ideal on reality.
  5. Respond appropriately. Acceptance of reality doesn’t mean you do nothing. It means you let go of the ideals causing the painful feelings, and then figure out how to respond without the anger, frustration, anxiety, resentment. Responding to a person or situation in anger or resentment (for example) doesn’t usually result in a skilful response. If you can let go of the ideal and let the painful feelings go, you can respond more skillfully. When my child breaks a dish, for example, I can get angry (“They shouldn’t break dishes!”) and yell (not skilful), or I can let go of that ideal and the resultant anger, and see if the child is OK, and then calmly and compassionately talk about how to avoid that in the future. That’s a more appropriate response. When we respond in anger or frustration, we only compound the problem. Responding calmly and compassionately means we’re going to be able to deal with anything that is in front of us, whether it’s a crisis or a loss or an angry loved one.
  6. Stay in the moment. We make situations worse when we replay the past in our heads (“How can they have done that?”) or think of all the things that might go wrong in the future. In the present moment, things are OK. We can meet the present moment with calmness and compassion if we can stay in the present. That means being mindful of when our mind is stuck in the past or speculating about the future, and returning to the present as much as we can.
  7. Be grateful & accept the moment for what it is. Reality can suck if we want it to be different … or we can accept reality for what it is, and be grateful for it. This takes practice because it’s hard to be grateful when you feel you’re being treated badly, or you’ve lost a job, or you’ve lost a loved one, or you’re battling illness. But this is the reality you have, not the ideal you wish you had. And it’s a reality that contains beauty if we choose to see it. This skill makes us much more at peace with whatever we need to deal with.

It might seem overly simplistic to say that this survival kit of dealing with life will help us be prepared for any situation. And it is. But there’s nothing wrong with simplifying things if only to help us focus our efforts on what’s most important.

In my experience, these skills matter. They make a huge difference. Practice them, and see how you’re able to deal with life in an entirely new way.

venerdì 28 settembre 2018


What Is Charisma?

Charisma is hard to define exactly, which is why, interestingly enough, many definitions will actually mention that it’s hard to define exactly. This is probably because there are so many kinds of people, with so different personalities that are commonly labelled as being charismatic. What do Gandhi and Oprah have in common? Not much, but they’re both considered highly charismatic. That’s just it with charisma: it’s not one trait, it is rather a label we use to describe a wide range of personality traits. Basically, anytime someone makes us feel warm and tingly inside on a consistent basis, we call that person “charismatic”. The critical thing all charismatic people have in common is a strong appeal to others which enables them to connect with others and influence them at a deep emotional level. For this reason, I think that knowing how to be charismatic is a noteworthy thing. 


1. Talk about interesting things (for you and for others!) Does it seem trivial? Believe me, it is not. If I had a euro for every time I saw a man talk about things that did not interest his interlocutor, at this time I would be a millionaire. Let's take Mario (invented name). Mario is working as an engineer and in the last period, he is working on the project of his dreams: the construction of a large plant for the desalination of water. Mario is very surprised by this thing, his work likes and is satisfied with what he does: excellent! One evening he goes out and is out with friends, at one point he joins his group another group of people (friends of friends) and obviously comes out the usual question that you do when you know new people: " What do you do in your life? "Mario begins to tell about his work, and he starts in a 20-minute philippics about water desalination methods. His interlocutors send clear non-verbal signals of little interest, but Mario is so taken that he does not realize it, and eventually he bores them to death. Now, what I think of as a nice little show is something that happens and is not certainly a good example of charisma, indeed !!! Of course, because you can not talk about things that only interest you, obviously you can not even talk about things that only interest others, you have to find a meeting point (Mario as an engineer would call a "subset" (ps I have corrected in the comments, it is an "intersection")) between your interests and the interest of the people in front of you. If there had been anyone interested in damn water desalination Mario would have started talking to him, but he was not there and Mario did not see the non-verbal signals of those not interested. Now, you have to become a genius of non-verbal language reading to understand if you're bored death to others? No, you just notice other people and not be blinded by what you're talking about. A very easy and normal thing, but someone does not do it.

2. Create an interesting life To talk about interesting things, you obviously have to have a varied and interesting life. The topics of conversation do not come from the sky, they come from your life, from what you do, see, discover, read, come from your interests, experiences and passions. I ask you: in your life, there are some things that are worth to be told? I know, it can be a hard question, and if the answer is "no" I ask you: "What are you waiting to create a more interesting life? First of all you have to do it for yourself! "You do not need to be an astronaut who does free climbing in the weekend, in the evening attacks the whalers with WWF, and in the wasted time is the UN ambassador for refugees! of normal passions and interests.

3. Show charisma through your body language.

Your body language can say a lot about how you feel about yourself and can help you seem more approachable to others. The wrong body language can make you look shy or indecisive, so it's important to move in a way that shows you're confident, engaged, and alive. Here's how to do it: 

  • A charismatic person stands tall and walks with steady, determined strides. They walk into a room of strangers with pride, ready to embrace a new opportunity. They also gesture with their hands instead of crossing them over their chest.
  • Improve your posture. Nothing conveys confidence like good posture. Stand or sit up straight, but not rigidly. When you meet someone, give a firm handshake and look the other person in the eye. Display positive body language while you're talking to someone or even when you're just waiting around. Sit facing the person or people you're talking to, uncross your legs and arms, and keep your hands away from your face. Look at ease, and don't fidget or convey nervousness.
  • Think about your own gestures. When you speak, does your body language back you up, or do you look nervous, uncaring, or bored? If you're passionate about something, do your gestures communicate this?
  • Practice in a mirror. Watch yourself in the mirror and give a speech or even pretend to hold a conversation. What are your eyes doing? How about your hands? Do you look like the shifty politician or the charismatic one? Could someone know what emotion you're trying to convey even if they couldn't hear you? Practice regularly, and make note of what you need to improve.
  • Mimic the body language of those you are conversing with, so that you can get closer to them in a non-verbal fashion. If someone is gesturing a lot, you can join in, while if a person is more reserved, you shouldn't gesture too wildly.
  • Look people in the eye when you're talking to them. Don't stare them down, but don't glance around the room or look everywhere but at them. Engage them with your eyes, not just your voice. Don't check your phone, your watch, or look around for other people to talk to because you won't appear engaged.
  • Watch how other people gesture. Notice how some speakers' gestures appear fake or out of sync with their message. These people come off looking shifty or uncertain as a result. Other speakers use body language exceptionally well. These are generally the more effective communicators and appear more trustworthy and competent. These people are often successful actors, religious leaders, and pundits. Look for good and bad examples of the use of body language. Pay attention, and learn.
  • Smile genuinely when you greet someone. Your smile should say that you're excited about getting to know them.
4.  Fucking Relax!
Every charismatic person I’ve ever known or studied is very comfortable in social situations. They are able to relax around people and have chill interactions, or else they are able to fake it really, really well.
Now, I want to emphasize that this is rare: most people aren’t fully relaxed and themselves in most social interactions, with the exception of those with close friends and family. There is a certain degree of discomfort they feel in social interactions. Learn to get over that, and you send out a radically different vibe.

sabato 1 settembre 2018


It is a time when you get a decision that your life changes. This is what happened to me in 2007.
Now, I would like to share the introduction of my ebook, to make you discover the story behind it and the principal meaning of it.
Have a good read.


The purpose of this eBook is revolutionizing the life of boys, girls and their parents, by guiding on how to be beneficially productive, and an individual of Value. Einstein used to say: “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value”.

My name is Emanuele, 28 years old, and pleased with my life. I am a risk taker both in my job as well as in my life, it makes me feel alive. Also, I am an adventurous person in the constant hunt for new activities. Just like anyone in this world, I love doing valuable things for my life, and for other people. My turning point dates back a decade ago when I experienced a life-changing episode of confusion, vulnerability, and pain.

It was the summer of 2007, just after graduating from the fourth class with a score of 8.5 out of 10 (Italian school system). I was a carefree 18-years-old, with a beautiful girlfriend and amazing friends. Down the street from my neighbourhood, the pleasure of the peaceful Italian summer bubbled down the streets where we would ride my pretty scooter along with my friend enjoying the fine scenery and sun warmth.

I then remember deciding on getting a summer job back then for the sake of personal economic independence. Eventually, I managed to land one but even though I was making some upkeep money, my health began deteriorating day by day as my body accumulated bruises, making me weak.

I proceeded to the hospital and signed an appointment with the doctor, carrying the thought that it was a result of effects by the new work environment and that it was a minor case. However, after various checks, the doctor told me: “I’m so sorry, but it could be cancer, we have to wait for the check confirmations”. The words hit me harder than a wrecking ball, in that sudden moment, my heart sunk and words escaped my breath. It was a hard moment, one of those unforgettable days. My grandfather had died a month before for similar cancer, and my thoughts kept telling me I was next. I recall the trip back home from the hospital as if it was yesterday. I reckon negative thoughts paralyzing my body, thoughts of what I would do no more, and how the people close to me, would suffer. I remembered the face of my father. A punch to my stomach.

The DECISION I made at that moment remains engraved in my soul. I decided that I would live a different life, a life full of new positive experiences, and in which I would not care about other opinions from people. I decided to take on the steering wheel of my life my own hands, to discover and implement the right value, and by doing so, become a man capable of helping people.

In Order to Help People, You Need to Have A Great Personal, Economic, And Relational Value, which is the reason I decided to dedicate my life to searching these values.

This eBook has the principal scope to find the right KEY to be productive and not let your life slip through your hands.

Being productive means knowing how to organize our own time in order to get specific results, be they scholastic, professional or physical.

Unfortunately, most of our time is spent fixing a screen, watching useless videos, news with no sense and mostly observing the “beautiful life” of others.

The way to bring back your life in your hands is focusing on the important things that count. Also, by spending our lovely life doing what brings VALUE to our existence.

VALUE…is almost a forgotten word… VALUE should be our word, our research, and our reason for existence. 

This ebook is the perfect mix of western auto-motivation theories and organization techniques with the philosophy of Continuous improvement Kaizen.
What will you discover?
- How to organise your activities as the best possible.
- How to be motivated, also in moments of greater discouragement.
- How to improve, day by day, step by step, without stopping.
- How to recognise who you really are and who want to be.
- How to achieve your goals with serenity, security and awareness and increase your personal, economic and relational value.
- How to solve problems.
The main goal is to turn you in the best version of yourself.

I do not know for sure if that's what you were looking, but if you think you deserve more from life, this ebook/manual is the one that is right for you. Remember Small Decisions Make Big Life Changes.❤❤❤

The beautiful of changing

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future”~ John F. Kennedy

Do you know what? Changes are good.

Habitually, we are so unenthusiastic towards change that we entirely ignore its beauty. We sense that change could be harmful and so we desist from taking risks. We see only the negative and are afraid of embracing the good that might come from it. We entirely are unable to call to mind that transformation is not always bad.

How many times did you happen that suddenly you wanted to start something new but you didn’t move forward, because you were stacked in your comfort zone? Because was so difficult for you!  Yes, the initial stages are definitely challenging but if these challenges are accepted gracefully than the result can be sweetly delicious. New crops don’t grow until the old are removed.

How much changing is important in our life? Also a little change, like changing the hair cutting, brings in our life that wonderful sensation. The beautiful of changing is a NEW ENERGY THAT YOU RECEIVE.

People are always diffident about accepting change. The day we comprehend, we need continuously and consciously to keep changing; we will evolve into a happier being. The problem is that we want to stay with the past and shy away from the new because we constantly associate change with pain and grief. We keep talking about the past, living in the past, thinking in the past and the result is ultimately sorrow.

Our worst problem is that we go back to our own routines, especially when the motivation disappeared. We never ask ourselves: Did we really change our thought route? Did we leave our past and start living in the present to rectify the future? Mostly the answer is “No.” 

In the end, change is beautiful

Change is beautiful and inevitable. It is easier to accept when it is not forced upon us and we choose to initiate it in our lives ourselves. Don’t be afraid to change. You could lose somewhat good in order to gain something better. The beauty of change remains in its reliability. If we let the change “change” us, only then the natural cycle to move smoothly. The more we resist, the more we lose its sweetness.


Everyone has phrases that can motivate, lead ourselves. 

One of my favourite phrases is AUDENTES FORTUNA IUVAT, the fortune favours the bold.

Everyone has phrases that can motivate, lead ourselves. 

Why? I think in this phrase there is a  truth. To succeed with your goals you have to have a mix of ignorance, that can help you to not think about what might be wrong with your life and the right attitude that can boost your performance. Remember my list to succeed? Right attitude, means act with confidence, can help you to have better performances in whatever you are doing at that time.

To more...share and AD MAIORA!!

giovedì 30 agosto 2018

How Small Decisions Make Big Life Changes

Repeat: Day by day, in a different way, I’m getting better and better!

Lots of us pause for important life events to kick-start life-changing decisions. Whether it’s a new boyfriend, girlfriend, a reunion, or a big trip that stimulates us, we seem to think we need these circumstances to create a “game changer.”

I recently went to Dublin, which was an amazing, wonderful experience, but many people are convict that a trip would change their life.

Everyone has a diverse response to travelling – maybe for some people it truly transformed their lives and changed their view of the world. In my opinion, a trip can help to change something inside you, maybe it builds new parts of your personality, but it is not a fact that it changes completely your life. Rather than looking for a transformation, I felt it hardened my confidence in the path I’ve chosen.

So how is it that we make big life changes? There are three simple rules to live by that can trigger huge shifts in your life.

1. Small life changes yield big results.

It does not have to take a big trip or an occasion to fire up personal innovation. Committing to small changes can create momentum to affect your lifestyle and overall well-being.

2. Two words: Self-realization

Self-realization is crucial to finding meaning and purpose in your life. It is the act of finding your full potential by living a life that increases and brings VALUE for you and for people you love most – relational, economic and personal value. Research states that when someone’s life differs from their true nature and capabilities, they tend to be less happy than people who have lives and goals that harmonize. Creating significant changes will happen over time if you strive for the best while being your most authentic self.

3. Letting go of ancient habits

Occasionally we make choices due to convenience – preserving relationships that are lethal, careers we aren’t appreciated in and behaviours that don’t serve us. Whatever may be holding you back, begin to let go of that habit. It may not be all at once, but taking small strides that are in alignment with your path.

You never need a reason to produce life changes since you have the potential to jump today. Don’t forget that it doesn’t have to be giant life decisions or events that create an impact – what we do day-by-day can make a big difference. It’s crazy to think that seemingly small matters would create such traction but in life, it really is about the little things.

giovedì 23 agosto 2018



Have you ever thought to become the more popular and welcomed by people in your community or business circles?

The secret is in the charming you have in every contact with others.

The deepest human need is the desire to feel significant. When you go through life building self-confidence and making other people feel important and valuable, they sure will like you.

If you are in business, becoming a charming person, making others feel important, will help you in every business situation.

How to be charming and so, popular in any group:

·         Smile in every situation. It expresses unconditional positive regard. I smile always. It is so a powerful technique.

·         Say “thank you” early and frequently. When you say it, you make people feel so important and happy, raise their self-esteem and increase their desire to help you.

·         Give genuine compliments. I have already talked about this great Technique. On every occasion you appreciate the possessions, traits or accomplishments of others, they inevitably feel more important and valuable! As Abraham Lincoln said, “Everybody likes a compliment”.

·          Give praise and approval often. When you praise your spouse and children, your staff and co-workers, your customers and suppliers, you make them feel more important and cause them to see you as “charming”

·         Give them your full attention. Whenever you listen closely to another person when he is talking, his self-esteem goes up.

Make people feel valuable and special is the BIG SECRET.

Soon, almost without effort on your part, every person will be talking about “what a charming soul you are”.

Emanuele Battista

sabato 11 agosto 2018


During my life, fortunately, I lived different kinds of lives.
I have been a student, I have been a lifeguard for a long time, I have been an entrepreneur for two years with my business partner, I have been an investor, I have been maintenance engineer and Project manager for industrial systems.
All of this experiences gave me something that every day I use. They gave me those little secrets to have SUCCESS in all kind of work and business you are running in.
If I could summarize them, I would make a short list to give to whom is reading right now.
This short list doesn't give you an instant success, Like each thing in life, success is made by a lot of ingredients, but this list might help you to start a new life.


- ATTITUDE: Everyday is different and your mood depends on such different things, BUT..Have you ever noticed that sometimes you produce great things and sometimes you can't get up from your bed. That energy is depending on your ATTITUDE. In based on what you think,  you can get things done in the future or you might lose them. Read carefully, try to see you always full of opportunities and you will always have the great mindset.
- LISTEN TO PEOPLE: As I said in another article " If you want to lead people, first of all, you have to listen to them and you have to "listen" their emotions, trying to balance those emotions and get their negative emotions out.
It's easy, start just:
1) Listening to their idea and emotions about something.
2) After a conversation tries to find a common point.
After this two easy behaviours, they have been engaged, and will be easier work with them."

- GIVE CLEAR RESPONSIBILITY: In my life, the reason why I failed and Learnt was that responsibilities weren't enough to clear in the organization. I think that to achieve a goal anyone on the team should have clear responsibilities. If it is not like this, won't be a clear and unique destination. At the end of a period, you have to control how your partner is keeping these responsibilities. Being clear save time and quarrels.

- PAY ATTENTION TO THE BUDGET: Money is important, always, find the right way to save them and to make them grow.
- SMILE Every day: Everyday there is a reason to smile. Smiling improve your attitude and your results. Whatever happens in your life give me a smile..:-)

- LEARN HOW TO SELL: After years of selling ( When I was an entrepreneur I have sold my products on my own ) I Learnt what important this skill is. The first thing: to sell, you need to catch people emotionally.
Making real compliments and find a common point is the base to close a deal, then there are a lot of techniques to improve it. Try to be as much transparent and sincere as you can with people and this will pay off.
- CHOOSE THE RIGHT PEOPLE: Creating a great team assures you the achieving of any kind of goal. Remember good persons with an average QI is better than wrong persons with an excellent QI.

PERSISTENCE: To talk about it I will take a quote from the movie "THE FOUNDER": 

Ray Kroc: "I know what you're thinking. How's a milkshake salesman build a fast food empire with an annual revenue of $700 million? Persistence"
Ray Kroc speaks directly to the camera in this The Founder movie quote. He talks about how he went from being some low-level salesman to the man behind building a multimillion dollar company, at least how he sees what happened.
And then, the last one:

Amor Vincit Omnia!!!!

mercoledì 18 luglio 2018

E' più semplice di quello che credi

Per farvi un’idea di quello che troverete all’interno, vi lascio un breve estratto.

Dolore e piacere come fonte di motivazione per agire. Come facciamo ad utilizzare queste due leve a nostro favore? Pensaci su qualche minuto prima di continuare a leggere.

Il dolore e il piacere nascono principalmente dalla nostra immaginazione. Immaginare costantemente crea delle vere emozioni nel nostro corpo.

Se volete riflettere su aspetti importanti della nostra vita o cercare di modificare i nostri atteggiamenti negativi in qualcosa di positivo, questo è il libro che fa per voi.

venerdì 16 marzo 2018

Essere produttivi significa principalmente saper organizzare il proprio tempo al fine di raggiungere risultati specifici, siano essi scolastici, professionali o fisici.
Purtroppo, tanto del nostro tempo è speso fissando uno schermo, video totalmente inutili, notizie senza senso e sopratutto osservando la "bella" vita degli altri.
Questo perdersi nel tempo crea in noi una grave insoddisfazione, perchè nei tratti di lucidità pensiamo al tempo che stiamo sprecando sapendo che è il tempo il valore più importante della nostra vita.
I giorni passano e le delusioni e le insoddisfazioni crescono.
La via per riprendere in mano la propria vita è concentrarsi davvero sulle cose che contano e spendere il nostro amato tempo facendo ciò che porta valore alla nostra esistenza.
Valore...Parola ormai dimenticata... Valore è la nostra parola, la nostra ricerca e il nostro arrivo.
To be continued...
Emanuele Battista

venerdì 5 gennaio 2018


Tools and idea considered to write this article are:

-       Excel.

-       OEE, stand for Overall equipment effectiveness

-       Pareto for analysis.

-       Kaizen philosophy.

-       Lean six sigma.

1)   GOAL: Improving up to 10% efficiency of a product line. Specifically, we have chosen 4 machines:

Factory divisions 

We have worked in printing division. This division is composed of 4 machines. We analyzed them. The printing division showed the Worst OEE (Bottleneck).

1 -     OEE Valuation

OEE is the indicator that measures the production efficiency of the line or machines in an established time.

OEE = availability of the machine X performance of machine X quality.

OEE is a percentage

-       Solar time = 356 days

1)   PLANT OPERATING TIME = Solar time – Unscheduled time = the shifts of the work for example if we have two shifts per day we can calculate it by 16 hours/day.

2)  Part of the plant operating time is used for PLANNED SHUTDOWN, during which there are maintenance activities planned, training of workers, etc.

3)  PLANT OPERATING TIME – PLANNED SHUTDOWN = PLANNED PRODUCTION TIME. This is the time available for producing.

4)   Planned production time doesn’t correspond to the effective production because of breaks down of machine, set up, waiting for lack of workers, waiting for product missed. The duration of each waste of time is called DOWNTIME LOSSES.


6)     SPEED LOSSES = lack efficiency, slowdowns, micro stops. It depends on the machine you are analyzing and could Be:

-       Machines slowdowns.

-       Check by the operators.

-       Missing attachment of the sucker on the carton.

The effect is having an output different from what planned. Speed losses made the PERFORMANCE.

7)     QUALITY LOSSES = the percentage of the production pieces on total production. QUALITY

2 -      INDEX


Important is the evaluation of the analysis to individuate the right machines to study.

Critics’ machines mean the ones who determine the major losses.

The next evaluation is brought by “Abdul Samat et al. (2012)” says that the identification phases of the critic machines are divided into the following point:

-       Losses identification = losses linked to a specific machine, all kind of losses.

-       Frequency Analysis of occurrence of losses = Using Pareto tool.

-       Machine selection = Selecting the machine in base on the Pareto Analysis.


The Pareto Analysis says that 20 % of the causes determine 80% of the effects. Solving this minority we can get great improvements.
How to draw Pareto:

-       Draw a table.

-       Insert the Losses you want to monitor.

-       Minutes sorting by descending, in base on the analysis you want.

-       Calculate the total of minutes, the percentage of the total of minutes and the cumulate percentage.
Pareto on Excel
Results of Pareto analysis. It shows the most important losses correlated with the time of Data Mining.

From the picture above we can see which issues need more attention in order to improve the
line efficiency.

After five months of data mining, we solved problems of this three issues increasing OEE of
Important is DON'T GIVE UP.