Repeat: Day by day, in a different way, I’m getting better and better!
Lots of us pause for important life events to kick-start life-changing decisions. Whether it’s a new boyfriend, girlfriend, a reunion, or a big trip that stimulates us, we seem to think we need these circumstances to create a “game changer.”
I recently went to Dublin, which was an amazing, wonderful experience, but many people are convict that a trip would change their life.
Everyone has a diverse response to travelling – maybe for some people it truly transformed their lives and changed their view of the world. In my opinion, a trip can help to change something inside you, maybe it builds new parts of your personality, but it is not a fact that it changes completely your life. Rather than looking for a transformation, I felt it hardened my confidence in the path I’ve chosen.
So how is it that we make big life changes? There are three simple rules to live by that can trigger huge shifts in your life.
1. Small life changes yield big results.
It does not have to take a big trip or an occasion to fire up personal innovation. Committing to small changes can create momentum to affect your lifestyle and overall well-being.
2. Two words: Self-realization
Self-realization is crucial to finding meaning and purpose in your life. It is the act of finding your full potential by living a life that increases and brings VALUE for you and for people you love most – relational, economic and personal value. Research states that when someone’s life differs from their true nature and capabilities, they tend to be less happy than people who have lives and goals that harmonize. Creating significant changes will happen over time if you strive for the best while being your most authentic self.
3. Letting go of ancient habits
Occasionally we make choices due to convenience – preserving relationships that are lethal, careers we aren’t appreciated in and behaviours that don’t serve us. Whatever may be holding you back, begin to let go of that habit. It may not be all at once, but taking small strides that are in alignment with your path.
You never need a reason to produce life changes since you have the potential to jump today. Don’t forget that it doesn’t have to be giant life decisions or events that create an impact – what we do day-by-day can make a big difference. It’s crazy to think that seemingly small matters would create such traction but in life, it really is about the little things.
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