domenica 18 giugno 2017

Team...Total Element to Achieve Milestones

The purpose of a Project is reaching the goal assigned.

The matter of a project manager is coordinate each expert of a particular sector to achieve what you want to reach. My mentor always says have the accountability of all and you can't have excuses for what isn't going in the right way. Of course, the projects are different but they have the same modus operandi.

I want to give you my principal three advices.

Important is to have a unified team because it is a bijective relationship, you need them and they need you.

What I learnt during this years is the difficult matter of manage people. It depends on your ability to make them feel part of a group and importance in the same way. What I learnt is that everyone has different characteristics you have to understand them, trying to adapt for bringing the best from all of them. There will be difficult days, doesn't matter but the PRIMARY thing is the COMMUNICATION.

Only with a right communication, you can understand if your team is aligned or not. For me, meetings, when you feel something strange, is a great thing to discharge some stresses that could be involved in.

Second is giving the RIGHT IMPORTANCE TO EVERYONE. All are important, the humans are the key.


Everyone has to be clearly informed about what is the goal. Remember, more clear is the goal, faster achieve your aim.

In general, I prefer a small group, maximum five persons, easier to manage, studies on project management also say this.

Someone is used to say: "Management is nothing more than motivating other people."

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