sabato 4 febbraio 2017


Hi everyone, today I will talk about a first project I did, the system with pump heat and solar panel.
In this article, I will try to summarize the most important process of it.

First, for every project is important to know the exactly object of it, more clear will be the goal (or goals) and more easily you will achieve it. 

In my case the goal was:
Replacing the old system to heat the water for changing room with a new system with heat pump plus solar panel, with two resistance to cover some issues that can be involved in. The goal of the project is clear.
Second, I did a WBS (work breakdown structure). We need it because permit you to have clear the situation to reach your goal. A WBS provides the foundation for organizing and clarifying the work needed to fulfil the project objectives.
Third, I individuated the right company to make it possible. I made my choice based on the knowhow of this company.
Fourth, I approximate the costs that I will have spent to do this. I considered the company, the architect for the laying of panel, for Electricians, for Electrical Engineer for the electric panel project, the coordinator for the safety and more and more. I chose this prices in based on my team experience.
FIRST ERROR: When you start a Project, everything have to be clear and if something is not clear, you must call the persons involved through meetings (KICK OFF MEETING). They have the interest to stay there because you are giving an opportunity and business to them. Do not be afraid to ask what you do not know.
Fifth, meeting with the company to choose the installation of the system. Obviously, there was some technical issues, like always. In brief there wasn’t the attack for the pipe close to this position (New challenge not preventively)
Sixth, I prepared a Gantt chart. While the WBS shows the structure of the project, a Gantt chart helps to define how activities are flowing in your project. Gantt represent a schedule of a project. I made it starting by the WBS.
Seventh, I did a risk assessment. In this case, in my organization the risk assessment is primarily for safety risks. In many cases, you will consider different type of risks. You can put them in matrix where you can compare the impact with the probability to happen, it because you have to try to mitigate this issues that you can faced. This is so important to get awareness about your project. Do it right and then tell me. Because when you try to recognize about the risks you can see the activities in other ways, thinking differently.
Last but not least, I supervised all works to make sure about the our constrains (time, costs and scope). Every day you have to remember them the goal and you have to lead the team to reach what you want. The leadership in this case is so important.

To become a great Project manager you have to be a great leader.


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