sabato 11 febbraio 2017


Hi everyone, today I will talk about how a fire fighting foam works.
The system has been projected to estinguish fire in different areas of a plant, for example . Has been realized a system of high expansion foam.
After pumps, usually electrical and thermical, there is a system that mix the fire extinguisher with the water that comes by a tank, for example.
The pipes not contain fire foam liquid and water, but it will mixed when there will be a fire.

The principle of operation of this plant is described with reference to picture indicated above

  1. In presence of a fire the sensors inside the areas, give a signal to open to the electrovalve at the beginning of the single line that goes directly in the area of the sensors.This action produce a drop of pressure in the line.
  2. When the pressure goes under a value, not supported by jockey pump, the two pumps send water to the system.
  3. This water passes into the Premix. This is composed by a tank in steel, in which is contained a membrane where there is the foam liquid. The water that goes into it compress the membrane in order to make get out it
    Premix ( website of TemaSistemi)
  4. Part of the water pass even through a Venturi Section, in which happen the mix between water and liquid. 
  5. Venturi System. Acqua = water. Liquido schiumogeno = foam forming liquid

  6.  At this point this mix going through pipes to arrive at the pourer to deliver the Foam, like this:
    Eusebi impianti


 This is a simple way to explain it. If you want share more information about it comments below!!

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