martedì 21 novembre 2017

Knowing how to listen people!! The way of improving

During my career I studied which kind of skills are important to have to LEAD a team.

I had some problems when I was young, when I was an entrepreneurs at the first experiences and thanks to them I noticed differences in the people behavior  after having had a lot of different conversations.

If you want to lead people, first of all you have to listen them and you have to "listen" their emotions, trying to balance that emotions and get their negative emotions out.

It's easy, start just:

1) Listening their idea and emotions about something.
2) After a conversation try to find a common point.

After this two easy behaviors they have been engaged, and will be easier work with them.

COMMUNICATION is the word of the this time and people pay more attention in the way of communication.

As a great team leader LISTEN and FIND COMMON POINTS.

Emanuele Battista

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