giovedì 23 marzo 2017


Hi everyone!! Do you know the importance of predictive maintenance??

A predictive maintenance is different from preventive maintenance. Sometimes when you are in maintenance team you get a lot of informations from the owner of the machines or systems that you manage, and with them you create your plan for the year. However, it is important to check how the systems are going. Noises are a clear signal that could show you how a system are working, strange losses of oil, the hours of work are all things that you have to control.

So, it is important to have check lists in which you, with your technician, can control the state of facilities that you manage. Bearing, cylinders, shaft, gears are so important in systems and they are breakable.

Knowing how organize as much better as you can means not have big problems with your systems and manufacture with less interruption.

 Write in the comments how you face it. I'd like to know to improve together!!

Engineering team.

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